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Fathers Day - A gift for Daddy

A special day for Daddy Father’s Day is a celebration honouring Fathers, grandfathers, stepdads, godfathers and anyone who has a positive influence on a young persons life. History - In the olden days In Catholic Europe, Fathers day was celebrated on March 19th ( St. Joseph’s Day) since the Middle Ages. The celebration was taken by the Spanish and Portuguese to Latin America, where March 19th is often still used for it, though many countries in Europe and the Americas have adopted the U.S. date, which is the third Sunday of June falling on 16th June this year (2019) More recently The idea of a special day to honour fathers and celebrate fatherhood was introduced from the United States. There, a...

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Corporate Orders - Why our clients order cookies to promote their businesses.

Why should you consider Cookie Doodle Doo for corporate cookies and why do they make great gifts for people who support your business? What do you get someone that you don't really know? It is difficult isn't it. Sometimes a bespoke twist on a generic idea is a great option. Staff always like to receive a box of biscuits to share. Maybe a tray of cakes or a bottle of wine? Businesses just like yours are always looking for new ways to say "Thank You" and "Welcome on Board". The last couple of years, especially throughout lockdowns we all wanted to say thank you to all the people who helped us get through the pandemic. Cookies have been a great source of...

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Helping the environment

Our business is passionate about the environment! We have taken steps to reduce our energy consumption, lowering our carbon emissions for our loved local community. As a business we have invested in LED lights to help us produce the detailed work that our customers expect replacing the old lights which used much more power and gave less light in Cookie HQ. This will make a huge difference to the environment and this is just the start of our sustainable journey. We have also invested in other ways of helping the environment including cleaning and plastic waste and we will be writing about that in more details soon. To help us invest in these energy saving measures we had support from Smart Energy...

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2020 - What a Year that was!

What a year!  2020 saw a massive change in family life, the High Street, businesses and the way we generally do things.  As someone with a small business I could not have planned for a pandemic. All businesses have a kind of plan. A plan that might be money related. A plan that might be events related or a plan that’s family orientated but no one had a plan with COVID-19 in mind. At the start of the year I had a lot of corporate orders in my diary, weddings and other celebrations where my cookies would stand out as delicious but with a purpose.  And on the 23rd of March the country entered lockdown number one. This was a major...

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Jack of All Trades Master of None!

Blog - Jack of All Trades Master of None When I first set up a business I decided that I would do all things cakes and bakes. I even chose my first business name for that purpose. Holmestead Cakes and Bakes was born in October 2016 when I left my job as Operations Manager at Grimsby Citizens Advice. The name encompassed everything that I thought I might do at some point in my new chosen career. My background has always been office-based but my passion has always been cooking, baking and cake decorating; something I probably got from my Nanna who was a great cook and worked for some major companies in Derby where I was born such as Rolls...

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