Are you a Celebration baby? Do you know someone who is expecting a Christmas baby?
According to the Office for National Statistics, approximately 1800 babies are born every day between September and October...
Yes, 1800 babies born each day!
The 26th of September is the day when most babies are born. Why is this?
There are many suggestions or reasons that could make this so.
We are going to call our baby Little Freddie but other thousands of other names are of course available.
One is that couples plan scientifically that what they want is a little baby Freddie and Christmas seems like the right time to try.
Perhaps as parents they want to keep a strategic advantage and have their child to be the eldest in their class. It is certainly a good story to tell little Freddie when he is older. (While they are at it, they might also look for a nice family house near good schools or other child friendly facilities. Maybe in their mind their home might also go up in value.)
Or most likely, noted by anecdotal evidence (chats in the pub) - Just do the maths!
Snogging under the Mistletoe, fountains of Prosecco, cosy log fires and a bit of Christmas spirit can make us rather amorous around Christmas and New Year.
Have you noticed also that everyone starts looking more desirable, maybe it is the sparkling dresses or the itchy Christmas jumpers?
Whatever it is, it makes people more amorous. Think about it? All those naps adults take together around Christmas are not just about the mountains of food consumed. However, don't let that fact ruin your Christmas. Fun and Frolics are definitely a big part of Christmas!
Joking aside, you probably know of a few people who are having babies over the next few weeks? Maybe their baby was planned or maybe it was as a result of the previous Christmas festivities.
Lockdown babies?
There were suggestions that there will be a new baby boom that arises from the country lockdown in March 2020. For some it may be due to couples who had nothing to do when the country was locked down and for others it was a good time to take stock of what they want in life without having to rush around to and fro with their work and usually busy lives. Only time will tell when stats are released.
Baby Showers and gender reveal parties.
When a baby is on its way it is becoming a tradition to throw a Baby Shower.
To shower the imminent baby with love and gifts. Usually this comes with a celebration tea and family and friends all coming together to “shower” them with good wishes.
Some even have a gender reveal party when they have the evidence that their Little Freddie might be a Little Fredrika. In this case everything would be either pink or blue and there might be lots of guessing games before the gender is revealed.
Baby shower events can be very intimate get togethers or a large party and there is lots of information on the internet to help you plan.
Many of my customers create "mood boards" on Pinterest and gather together all of their favourite ideas in one place. Did you know you can follow Cookie Doodle Doo on Pinterest. In the coming months we will be launching new products on Pinterest as well as our usual Facebook and Instagram platforms.
How can you help when Little Freddie comes along?
It can certainly be hard for you as a friend or family member to know what to do to give support.
It is also an exciting time for friends and family as well as the new parents.
A baby’s new arrival is traditionally celebrated with family who shower the parents and the new-born with plenty of love and gifts.
Grandma-elect has already imagined what life with little “Freddie” will be like. She is planning secret McDonald’s trips with Freddie; naps in the afternoon; teaching them to play bingo at the seaside; giving extra sweeties and generally spoiling her special little grandchild.
Do you live near enough to give hands on support? There is nothing better for new parents to have all of their loved ones over for a warm hug, a brew and a natter, although you can still support your loved ones from a distance.
Firstly you can be in constant contact using technology and making phone calls and still give the benefit of your knowledge and experience. You can also provide little visits and bring shopping or delicious stews or tasty treats to take the pressure off while the new parents get to grips with parenthood.
What if you don’t live near your loved ones and want to send a very personal and thoughtful gift?
This is where Cookie Doodle Doo can help you.
Our personalised biscuits are like a warm hug in a box.
Send one of our Little Boxes of Joy and your loved ones will be in awe and amazement that you have personalised cookies for them. Once they bite into the buttery melt in your mouth biscuit, they will feel your warmth and love in the room even though you may be far away.
Sometimes a buttery melt in the mouth biscuit is just the ticket at 3am during a night feed with a lovely cuppa.
What cookies do we recommend?
For New Mummies and Daddies
Little girls
Celebrate the arrival of a wonderful baby girl. Just add the little baby’s name and we will do the rest!
Little boys
Celebrate the new arrival of a bouncing baby boy. Just add the baby’s name and we will make it special.
What if you are having twins? Well, we cater for this too. Knowing how competitive twins can get, there will be equal attribution and space to each twin’s name in the box. We make the cookies in the colours you choose as some parents don’t hold with traditional pink and blue and like lilac or green instead.
They are also recommended for: Parents, Grandparents and Godparents.
Don’t forget Grandma...
How could you forget Grandma? (and Grandad) She has been waiting patiently for her little Freddie to arrive. First born grandchildren are very special. Grandparents may also need a bit of bribery to babysit in the future. Why not butter them up with a lovely cookie package?
The best gift to make them feel included.
Though these can often seem like strange times, it is always lovely to shower the ones you love with kindness and joy. The beauty of a simple sweet letterbox gesture from you will make a new parent’s day.
Here is a lovely quote by Pablo Picasso
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.
Have a wonderful browse of our beautiful Baby Collection of cookies.
Thank you for reading
Cookie Doodle Doo